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Anirudh is from Bangalore, India. He completed his bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from PES University, India. He loves to swim, go biking, and play any other sport because this allows him to go out, meet new people, and have fun.

What made you choose KTH?

I wanted to study in one of the best technical universities in Europe and that has good connections with industry. I was looking for a programme that taught about automation of industries because we are in a transition phase, and the mechatronics programme seemed interesting in the sense that the academics were aligned with industry. The mechatronics programme at KTH seemed to offer a good balance between academia and industry. The university is in the centre of the capital of Sweden, which points to multiple advantages over living in a small city. Most people speak English, and there is good public transport connectivity to most places in the city. These were some of the primary reasons that motivated me to choose the mechatronics programme at KTH and Stockholm, Sweden, in particular.

What do you like most about KTH?

I personally like how KTH is located right in the centre of town and has managed to retain its rustic charm while maintaining the high level of research over the years. At KTH, you get to learn by working on actual real life scenarios and equipment, which allows you to experiment sufficiently and gain the experience required to work in industry. Studying at KTH offers a very international experience, where you get to collaborate with people from different backgrounds and experiences, ultimately to gain in-depth knowledge of your subjects.

What are your impressions of Stockholm and Sweden?

Stockholm has something to offer for everyone. For example, there are forests close by if you wish to go hiking, and enough clubbing options if you want to do that in your spare time. So, it’s a nice place to live where you can have a good balance between your work and leisure. I feel like I have had a great experience so far with the university, the city, and the people in general. The projects that I have worked on with the other international students have given me some of the fondest memories. We have burned the midnight oil on several occasions and managed to do well in competitions later. One of the chief differences between my home university and KTH is the amount of practical experience gained by working on different projects. It has been an enriching and fun experience with my studies, where I have broadened the scope of what I can achieve and my abilities as a person. I recommend KTH for studies, for all the students looking to gain knowledge that is in-depth and oriented with the industry.

What do you see as the most significant aspects of your programme?

The mechatronics programme is quite hands on and offers insights and knowledge in mechanical devices, electrical/electronics, controls, and software, which would allow you to build a robust and useful product. I am currently part of a student non-profit organisation called Assistive Technology, which focuses on building devices that can assist people with special needs. I’m working on the hardware team to build a stress sensor. Mechatronics offers a lot of fields to work in, so it’s important to choose what field interests you most.

Do you have a dream job after graduating from KTH?

I would love to work on the systems and integration team for an innovative company that is working towards sustainability and renewable energy after graduating from KTH.