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Give KTH your emergency contact information

KTH is collecting emergency contact information from all newly admitted international students. This is done so that we can contact someone close to you in case of an emergency.

Fill out the form below to inform KTH about your emergency contact. It is voluntary to give KTH this information and you can withdraw your consent at any time. Read more about how the information will be used and how to update or delete your information further down this page.

Please note that you must have permission from your emergency contact to disclose their contact information to KTH.

How will the information be used?

The information that you disclose by filling out the form will be stored securely at KTH, and the access to the information is limited to a few people in the central administration. In case of an emergency, the contact information will be shared with your main academic contact at KTH (programme coordinator, international coordinator, et cetera) who will reach out to your contact. The information will not be used for any other purpose than to contact your emergency contact in case of an emergency and will not be shared outside of KTH. When you are no longer a student at KTH, your emergency contact information will be deleted.

How do I update or delete the information?

Giving KTH your emergency contact information is voluntary and you can, at any time and for any reason, withdraw your consent and have the information removed. If you want us to delete the information you have disclosed through this form, please send an email to .

If you want to change your emergency contact information, or update incorrect information, please fill out a new form. In addition, you need to send an email to  stating that the old information should be removed.

Data protection

KTH is handling your personal data according to the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR (EU 2016/679), and is responsible for making sure that the GDPR guidelines are being followed.

You have the right to request information on what personal data we process about you. The request is to be sent to , or sent to KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Registrar, Brinellvägen 8, SE-100 44, Stockholm, Sweden.

You also have the right to file a complaint regarding how KTH processes personal data with KTH’s data protection officer at  or with the Swedish Data Protection Authority.