Seeking a research assistant at the Physical resource theory division

Faculty Supervisor: Assistant Professor Frances Sprei

Start date: as soon as possible

End date: December 2016

Tasks and Responsibilities:

In this research project, we are looking into the characteristics of a city that make free-float car-sharing as a successful option. The student will be helping us in data collection for this effort. The student's tasks and responsibilities will be collecting following data for about 100 cities in Europe and North America:

  1. Data on cities socio-demographics.
  2. Data on Transport system such as density of road networks or public transport networks, share of different transport modes, etc.
  3. Data on the public transport performance e.g. number of stations, the number of routes, passenger km, etc.
  4. Data on parking, e.g. types, price and the numbers of parking.

Students will work in close collaboration with researchers in this project and will be supervised on the type of data that should be collected. However, they are expected to look into various online sources including available scholarly research and be willing to search non-English sources as well. An experience with transport systems is desirable but not required.

It is possible to work from a distance, and Chalmers will pay for the visits to Göteborg.

How to Apply: 
If you're interested, please contact Shiva Habibi ( and describe your background.