TFYE: Biomedical physics
In this track, you will learn about novel applications developed in the interdisciplinary field where engineering, computational physics, biophysics, biology, biotechnology and medicine meet.
Mandatory courses within the track
SK2520 Experimental methods in molecular biophysics, 8.0 credits
SK2531 Biomedicine for engineers, 12.0 credits [*]
[*] Students with a bachelor background from the CMEDT programme should, instead of this course, choose two other physics courses (of about 12 credits) , among which SI1155 Theoretical physics, 6.0 credits is strongly recommended.
Conditionally elective courses within the track
You are obliged to choose a minimum of 25 credits from a list of conditionally elective courses for the Theoretical Physics track. This list can differ depending on your year of admission to the programme, but you can always find the relevant list at