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Version skapad av Magnus Andersson 2023-03-29 14:35

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Quantum technology

The Quantum Technology track focuses on emerging applications of quantum physics:  Quantum information processing, quantum sensing, and quantum communication.  Join us to learn about our courses at KTH in this field, and what types of projects you could pursue for your Masters Degree Project in Quantum Technology.


15:00 -18:00 Poster session and mingle

Let teachers and PhD students from the track inspire you by showing some of their research and take the chance to ask about everything you want to know about the track and future career opportunities!

15:30-15:45 Sign up for lab tours

The track offers several lab tours, but it is only possible to admit a restricted number of students into each lab. Please sign up for the lab tours already now to ensure that you get a place.

15:45-16:30 Talk: Tanguy Schetelat and Q&A session, room FD41

Presentation by Tanguy Schetelat, who is a recent Master at the track, followed by a Question and Answer session about the Quantum Technology (QT) track.

16:30-17:00 Laboratory tours

17:00-17:30 Laboratory tours, continued

17:30-18:00 Posters and last minute questions