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Version skapad av Magnus Andersson 2023-03-01 14:05

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Elective courses

As elective courses, you can choose other suitable courses from you own track or from other tracks within the programme. You are also allowed to take courses from other educational programs at KTH or elsewhere. This gives you quite a lot of freedom when choosing elective courses, but remember that there should be a logical connection between the courses, and that they should prepare you for the final 30-credit degree project.

It is always a good idea to check with your programme director or track guide (see “Contact information”) if your choice of elective courses is suitable.

You are allowed to take maximum 15 credits of elective courses in fields not directly related to the programme, but with some relevance to an engineer. This could be english writing courses (on master level), language courses, economy, management etc. It can also be engineering, programming or math courses not related to your track, but which you consider important for your future career. (Examples of courses that are not allowed in this category are “hobby courses” like cooking, bartending etc!)