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Version skapad av Magnus Andersson 2023-03-15 10:13

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Biomedical physics

Biomedical Physics is a truly interdisciplinary field of science that involves virtually all fields of physics in combination with subspecialties in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Sciences for the growth and development of life sciences and health care. In this specialisation, knowledge and skills in physics are developed towards applications and research in the life sciences and health care. Through the choice of courses, students can focus on experimental and theoretical approaches to biomedical physics that are used on different spatial scales, from the molecular and cellular level up to the organ(ism) and population level.


15:00-18:00 Poster session & mingle 

Let teachers and PhD students from the track inspire you by showing some of their research and take the chance to ask about everything you want to know about the track and future career opportunities!

15:30-16:00 TBA

16:00-16:30 TBA

16:30-17:00 TBA

17:00-17:30 TBA

17:30-18:00 TBA