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SCR: Curriculum

The Curriculum of the SCR programme is defined in the links below, where batch most often refers to the first registration term at the programme.

* Study programme for batch Autumn 21
* Study programme for batch Autumn 20
* Study programme for batch Autumn 19
* Study programme for batch Autumn 18
* Study programme for batch Autumn 17
* Study programme for batch Autumn 16
* Study programme for batch Autumn 15
* Study programme for batch Autumn 14
* Study programme for batch Autumn 13
* Study programme for batch Autumn 12
* Study programme for batch Autumn 11
* Study programme for batch Autumn 10
* Study programme for batch Autumn 09
* Study programme for batch Autumn 08
An example of course choices for both tracks can be found here: Tracks_leaflet.pdf

The slides that were shown during the welcome meeting are here: SCR_Welcome_meeting_slides_2021

And the slides regarding Program Student Representative (MAS masteransvarig student) are here: MAS_slides_2021

Schedule To check how the schedule would look like if you took a given set of courses, you can use TimeEdit.

Project Courses Students starting in 2015 and later need to have taken at least one project course from the study area. The following courses are considered to be SCR project courses in this sense:

* EL2425 Automatic Control Project Course, Smaller Course
* EL2421 Automatic Control Project Course
* DD2419 Project Course in Robotics and Autonomous Systems
* DD2425 Robotics and Autonomous Systems (NO LONGER OFFERED)
* EP2520 Building Networked Systems Security
* SD2231 Applied Vehicle Dynamics Control
* DD2438 Artificial Intelligence and Multi Agent Systems
* DD2430 Project Course in Data Science
* DT2150 Project in Cognitive Systems
Note that DD2411 does not qualify as it does not involve project management experience, see below.

A project course needs to satisfy the following criteria

* The work is done in groups of more than 1, and includes some experience of project management
* The examination of the course needs to be mainly in the form of one or more projects
* The course needs to be on master level (i.e. having a 2 as third character in course code)
Thus your master thesis is not a project course. If you wish to a course to the list above, please contact the program director.

Non-technical Courses Students need to take one or two non-technical courses, with a total of at most 15 credits. A list of recommended non-technical courses can be found in the links above.

Recently Approved Recommended courses These courses were recently approved as recommended, but have not yet been added to official lists above. If you think a course should be added below, email the Program Director and suggest it.

* MF2030 Mechatronics basic course
* MF2042 Embedded systems for mechatronics part I
* SF1861 Optimization
* DD1388 Program construction using C++
* DD2412 Deep Learning Advanced
Recently Approved Conditionally elective courses
* DD2438 Artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems (for RASM track)
* DD2411 Research project in Robotics, Perception and Learning (for RASM track)
* DD2418 Engineering project in Robotics, Perception and Learning (for RASM track)
* EL2810 Machine Learning Theory (both tracks)