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Här visas ändringar i "SCR: Curriculum" mellan 2016-08-24 15:15 av Petter Ögren och 2016-08-24 15:21 av Petter Ögren.

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SCR: Curriculum

The Curriculum of the SCR programme is defined in the links below, where batch most often refers to the first registration term at the programme. ¶

* Study programme for batch Autumn 16
* Study programme for batch Autumn 15
* Study programme for batch Autumn 14
* Study programme for batch Autumn 13
* Study programme for batch Autumn 12
* Study programme for batch Autumn 11
* Study programme for batch Autumn 10
* Study programme for batch Autumn 09
* Study programme for batch Autumn 08
A description that is easier to read can be found in this document for 2016 (PDF). ¶