Nordic Semiconductor is looking for a student for summer job, 6-8 weeks in Oslo during June/July:

The are looking for one or two summer interns to run a small Bluetooth 5-based  research/prototype project. It concerns an addition on the BLE MAC layer stack.

A good candidate should:

- be able to program with Embedded C reasonably good, so he/she gets familiar with the Nordic stack quite fast,

- has good understanding of Wireless stacks (not necessarily BLE, but at least be aware of basic MAC, Routing principles)

- be motivated to set-up a testbed and collect test results, draw conclusions and showcase/demo internally in Nordic.

- (help out with the Contiki port in NRF52-840 (802.15.4 chip), optional, too)

If you are interested, fulfill the above and have good grade in our Wireless course (as a rather superficial proof of wireless networking knowledge), then send a mail to me with your cv and transcripts.