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Apply for a degree

When you have finished the one year master's programme in architectural lighting design (60 credits) you can apply for the folllwing degree:

  • Degree of Master of Science (60 credits) with a major in Architecture

In order to be eligible to apply you need to:

  • have passed your degree project and all compulsory courses of the programme.
  • archive your degree project according to the instructions below.
  • make an application.

The degree certificate will be issued by the KTH Degree office.

How to apply

Please find out how to apply and the necessary steps including important information on the Degree Office's website.

Please contact the Master's Programme Coordinator at the School of Architecture if you have further questions.


Archiving your degree project

All students undertaking the Diploma project need to archive a physical (A3) and a digital (pdf) copy of their work for archiving as a prerequisite to obtain grades and be able to apply for a degree.

Guidelines for archiving your degree project:

  •  The administration archives a digital and a paper copy (A3) of your degree project. These two should contain the same document, ie. be identical. At the same time, this is your final submission of your project. The material submitted for archiving must document your project in its entirety and, along with your review, is a basis for examination.
  • The submission cannot be changed afterwards.
  • You will receive more information about the exact date and time of the final submission during the semester.
  • All degree projects at KTH must have standard cover. Fill in information according to this document: KTH thesis cover information
    Print the file in A3 and add the cover as first and last page of your degree project. Add the file to your digital submission or add the cover file when registering in DiVA as a separate file as file type "cover".
  • The physical submission is simply a printed version of the digital submission, on A3 paper, single sided. It can be portrait or landscape, and there is no limit to the number of pages you submit. If you have files that cannot be printed, for instance films, you should save these on a USB and hand these in as well (the USB will not be returned).
  • The material submitted for archiving must document your project in its entirety and, along with your review, is a basis for examination of the course. It should therefore include (1) a reproduction of your presentation panels, (2) any additional drawings or text that you plan to present at the Diploma Days review (including sketches, if part of the presentation), and (3) photographs of any non-digital representations that you plan to present at the Diploma Days review (i.e., photographs of hand drawings, paintings, etc., as well photographs of physical models). The submission should be clearly marked with your name, the names of your supervisor (s) and examinor, the semester and the title of the project.
  • The admninistration will archive the digital copy (pdf) in DiVA, the publication database that KTH uses. Try to keep the PDF size of the pdf you hand in to the administration as small as possible. Use Adobe PDF Printers - Select "Print" instead of "Save". Minimize the DPI as much as possible.

Information about DiVA:

According to new guidelines from 2017, all degree projects will be published in DiVA. Read the publication terms as a whole here. Material registered in DiVA is available to the general public.  The general public includes but is not limited to the research community. Students retain copyright over the material, and public use of the material registered in DiVA follows Swedish copyright law.


Please contact the administration at the School of Architecture if you have further questions.
