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Version skapad av Nina Terzi 2020-09-30 08:48

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2:nd year students - Degree project

Dear all Y2 students,

It is time to start thinking about your final degree project.

Information about Master Degree Project 

  1. You apply for the Degree project course, by using the Degree Application Form Application for degree project (pdf)
  2. Are your requirements fulfilled to start the degree project? It will be checked by the Master coordinator for your programme, Part 1 of the form will be signed.
  3. Depending on your major, make sure that you choose the right course code, see the course codes here: https://www.kth.se/social/program/tebsm/page/degree-project-7/  
  4. How to find an examiner? You can contact an appropriate examiner, alternatively the course responsible may propose an examiner for you. A list of examiners is available at the course web page for the degree project course.
  5. After approval of your thesis proposal (by the programme director), Part 2 should be signed by the examiner.
  6. Before deadline below, make sure you get your admission approved and signatures in the form.
  7. 15 January is the deadline for sending your thesis proposal to the course responsible and the application form to ens-master@eecs.kth.se You will then be admitted to the course code stated in the form.
  8. Don’t forget to web register on your course via your Personal Menu, it’s open between 10 - 31 January.
  9. If you miss the deadline, we will register you to the course after we have received the form.

Best regards,
