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Version skapad av Katharina Berndt 2017-04-19 13:45

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Semester and course registration

Semester registration

Semester registration for Spring semester 2017 is open January 9 - January 19, and must be done via the personal menu.

General information about semester registration

Instruction for web registration manual web registrations

Course registration

Course registrations are done in your Personal menu.

Course registration is necessary to get a result registered on a course. If you for some reason have missed to register yourself on a course, you have to contact an administrator.

For courses starting between January 17 and March 19 the registration is open January 9 - January 19.

For courses starting between March 20 and June 5 the registration is open March 13 - March 23.

General information on course registration

Manual for registrations: Manual Web registration on course