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Semester and course registration

Semester registration Semester registration for autumnSpring semester 20167 is open August 22 - SeptemberJanuary 9 - January 19, and is done on in your Personal menu.

General information on semester registration

Manual: manual web registrations

Course registration Course registrations are done in your Personal menu.

Course registration is necessary to get a result registered on a course. If you for some reason has missed to regsister yourself on a course, you have to contact an administrator.

For courses starting between August 29 and October 28January 17 and March 19 the registration is open August 22-SeptemberJanuary 9 - January 19.

For courses starting between October 31 and January 13March 20 and June 5 the registration is open October 24-November March 13 - March 23.

General information on course registration

Manual for registrations: Manual Web registration on course