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Course completion

New rules for completion, apply from Spring term 2019

The examiner assesses whether there is a possibility for completion

Completion of the course means that a student who has obtained the grade F, but is deemed to be close to meeting the requirements for the approved, will be given an opportunity to take further examination to reach the grade for approved.

A student can’t be given the opportunity of completion if the student has not taken part in the course at all.


The examiner announces the date of submission of the completion

A student who has not been approved in a course will receive a written message from the examiner when the grades are announced and no later than 15 working days after the course's examination. The student will then be informed of the possibility of completion and given a clear instruction on what the completion should include, as well as a final date for submission of the completion. The student will also be advised in cases where the examiner assesses that the student can’t be given the opportunity to make a completion because the student is not close to meeting the requirements for the grade “pass”.


After the date given by the examiner, completions are no longer possible. Consequently, the student will not be allowed to continue in regular studies and must wait for the next course opportunity to pass the course. A prerequisite for starting the next (year) course is that the specific eligibility requirements for the following course are met. These are stated in the respective syllabus.

Rules applying until the end of Autmumn term 2018

Prerequisites for advancement

For Year 2 of the two year Master's programme in Architecture:

  • All compulsory courses from Year 1 must be completed.

To initiate the Diploma Degree Project all compulsory courses of the two year Master's programme in Architecture must have been completed (90 credits for a 120 credits Degree of Master of Science with a Major in Architecture).

For advancement to the following study year within the two year Master ́s programme in Architecture the following dates apply:

  • For advancement to Year 2 and to initiate the Diploma Degree Project during the Autumn semester, completion of courses and projects must be submitted no later than 15 August.
  • For advancement to Year 1 and 2 and to initiate the Diploma Degree Project during the Spring semester, completion of courses and projects must be submitted no later than 7 January.

Regulation regarding completion


A student who does not receive a passing grade will receive a written notification from the Examiner, no later than 15 working days after the course has ended. The student will be informed about the possibility of completion with a clear instruction on the extent of additional work that will be required for a passing grade. A time schedule and a project plan should be agreed upon.

The project must be completed within a given time frame. For examination of Studio Projects, completed works must be submitted to the Examiner, at the latest:

  • 15 May, for completion relating to the Autumn semester of the same academic year
  • 15 August for completion relating to the Spring semester of the previous academic year.

This possibility of completion of Studio Projects cannot be extended nor repeated.Note: A student who is fully qualified for study year 4 and 5 respectively, may participate in the following project during the study year even if an earlier project is not completed.Examination will take place no later than 15 working days after these dates.

Seminar and Orientation courses:

  • A student who does not receive a passing grade will be given a written notification from the Examiner, no later than 15 working days after the examination, with a clear instruction on the additional work required for a passing grade. A time schedule and a project plan should be agreed upon.