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Checklist 2022-2023

The program is run jointly between SU and KTH. This means that two different administrations are involved that each follows different procedures. This checklist collects information about such procedures, covering, e.g., course registration, course transfers, degree projects, etc.

Study plan and course enrollment for Fall 2022

Important date: August 26

You will receive a form that you fill out and then send to the address masters@math.su.se, writing ‘Study plan 22’ in the subject. You must submit the study plan no later than Friday August 26 at 10:00AM. If you miss this deadline, you may miss enrolling in any course for the term.

The study plan is an initial declaration of intent and it is typically updated and revised every semester.

We strongly recommend creating a study plan for the whole 2 years already at the start, containing the courses that you would like to take. Start with the mandatory courses (Basic block), then conditionally elective (Profile block), then elective courses (within the Broadening block). Choose 30 ECTS credits per semester in total from KTH and SU together, the last semester you should plan for the degree project 30 credits. Totally for the whole 2-years 120 ECTS credits. Discuss this plan with Fredrik/Salvador.

Here you can find an overview of the program: https://www.math-stockholm.se/master/program-1.338417

Enrollment for courses Fall 2022 (KTH, SU).

Send the completed form to Salvador, masters@math.su.se no later than Friday August 27 at 16:00 writing ‘Study plan 21’ in the subject. The SU math administration will enroll you to the courses in the Ladok register.

Registration for courses at KTH

Please see: https://www.kth.se/en/student/studier/kurs/kursregistrering-1.317058

A course registration indicates your intention to attend the course that you have been admitted to. Registration is necessary so that you can get access to the course in Canvas, register for exams and your results can be reported. It is also a prerequisite in order to obtain student aid which is paid out by CSN.

Registration for the courses is open on the website the following periods:

Study period 1 2022: from Thursday August 25 through Monday September 5.

Study period 2 2022: from Thursday October 27 through November 7.

Course enrollment Spring 2023

The process differs for KTH and SU courses.

SU - Before the semester starts the director of the program will send you a form for the enrolment of the courses provided by the department you will take. These are courses with code prefix MM or MT. Send the form to Salvador using the following address: masters@math.su.se. The SU math administration will admit and enroll your courses at ladok after approval by the directors.

Important: Remember that you may have to apply for other (non-math) courses at antagning.se often with deadline around October 15.

KTH – At KTH you apply for courses 1-15 November for the Spring semester 2022. Log in via your KTH menu and then into university admissions. You need to be logged in as a KTH student as well to be able to apply. Maximum 30 ECTS credits/semester in total from KTH and SU together.

Registration for the KTH courses is open on the website the following periods:

Study period 3 2022: from Thursday January 12 through Monday January 23

Study period 4 2022: from Thursday March 16 through Monday March 27

(Note that this is not the same as enrolling. You first enroll to courses as described above.)

Course enrollment for Fall 2022

SU – Before the semester starts the director of the program will send you a form for the enrollment of the courses provided by the department you will take. These are courses with code prefix MM or MT. Send the form to Salvador, masters@math.su.se. The SU math administration will admit and enroll your courses at ladok after approval by the directors.

Important: Remember that you have to apply for other (non-math) courses at antagning.se often with deadline around April 15.

KTH – At KTH you apply for courses 1-15 May (tentatively) for the Fall semester 2022. Log in via your KTH menu and then into university admissions. You need to be logged in as a KTH student as well to be apply to apply. Maximum 30 ECTS credits/semester in total from KTH and SU together. Start with the mandatory courses, then conditionally elective, then elective courses.

Registration for the courses is open on the website the following periods:

Not announced yet, but it will be when the courses starts.

Chart summarizing the different processes for enrolling to courses

Degree project

There will be an information meeting about the degree project for all master students at KTH in September/October (date TBA). Normally done in the 4th semester/last semester of the programme. You can choose to write it at SU or KTH. You need to get an approval to start to write your degree project. Only the Programme Directors Fredrik and Salvador can give you the approval. You need to have at least 60 ECTS credits at advanced level to start. Though we recommend that you have finished all courses á 90 ECTS credits first.

It will be an information session about degree project for all Master students at KTH in September/October. This session is to help students to start up the process.

Drop or change a course

This needs to be done as soon as possible through your personal menu, not later then 3 weeks. Log into your KTH menu/(For SU) log into Mina studier and make an early interruption.

If you have not made an early interruption within 3 weeks you cannot remove the course and if you are a fee paying student you will be charged.

To add a new course at SU: send an e-mail to Salvador, masters@math.su.se

To add a new course at KTH: send an e-mail to Susanne Lilliehöök at KTH, suslil@kth.se

Drop out of the programme or make an interruption

Contact the study administrator at SU, Hanne Brundin, studentexpedition@math.su.se

// She will let you know how to fill in a form online. //

How to transfer courses

If you are admitted to the 2-year programme in Mathematics (only) please contact Salvador SU for credit transfer, masters@math.su.se

Are you a “civilingenjörsstudent” from KTH (5 year programme student) please contact Susanne Lilliehöök at KTH for credit transfer, suslil@kth.se

Exchange studies

It is recommended that this is done in the autumn semester year 2 (3rd semester of the programme).

KTH - Exchange studies – apply 1 – 15 december. Contact International Coordinator at exchange-out@sci.kth.se

Busra Tas (SU), erasmus@math.su.se Exchange Coordinator, Contact him regarding exchange studies via SU, find out more about exchange studies via this web page, https://www.su.se/department-of-mathematics/education/study-abroad

Apply for the diploma

The application for the diploma is administrated at SU. Go to the web page and read more about how to apply for the diploma, https://www.su.se/english/education/qualifications-degrees/application-for-a-degree-certificate


Find out more about fees at this web page, https://www.math-stockholm.se/en/master/grants-1.338414

SU Social

Find out more about SU social activities for students, https://www.su.se/english/education/student-life

KTH Social

KTH Social is a webpage with all recent information about the program, https://www.kth.se/social/program/TMAKM/

Log in via your personal menu at KTH.

Contact list

Hanne BrundinStudent Affairs office at the department of Mathematics (SU),

studentexpedition@math.su.se a. Administrator at SU, contact therm regarding administrative questions from SU etc.

Salvador Rodriguez-Lopez (SU), masters@math.su.se. Programme Director, contact him regarding programme and course content.

Busra Tas (SU), erasmus@math.su.se Exchange Coordinator, Contact her regarding exchange studies via SU

Susanne Lilliehöök (KTH), suslil@kth.se study councellor KTH, contact her regarding administrative questions from SU etc

Fredrik Viklund (KTH), fredrik.viklund@math.kth.se, Programme Director contact him regarding programme and course content.

Helena Legnell (KTH), exchange-out@sci.kth.se International Coordinator, Contact her regarding exchange studies via KTH