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Här visas ändringar i "Study counselling on programme" mellan 2017-06-27 13:32 av Sandra Backman och 2017-06-27 13:34 av Sandra Backman.

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Contact the Education Office

Contact information for the Education Office Student Office IContact the Student Office if you have questions regarding course registration, re-registration on courses, reporting of grades, request of review of grade, if you have problems registering for youregistration for examination, if you wish to take an extra examination for a higher grade or, if you have special needs for exam, or other issues, you contact the Student Office. The Student Office can only be reached via e-mail.

E-mail: studentexp@ict.kth.se.

Student Counsellor for Undergraduate Students The Study Counsellor is available for students who need guidance in educational issues. You can get help with your questions on courses, study plans, study breaks and practice assessments.

E-mail: svl@ict.kth.se Drop-in: See drop-in hours

International Coordinator Malin Hedberg is international coordinator at The School of Information and Communication Technology. Malin takes care of incoming and outgoing exchange students at the school. She helps the incoming students with practical details in Sweden and make sure that the outgoing students are as well prepared as possible when they start their studies abroad.

Contact Malin through e-mail.

E-mail: exchange@ict.kth.se

Administrator Sandra Hjert is administrator and handles credit transferring of courses for undergraduate students.

E-mail: sandrahj@kth.se