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Här visas ändringar i "Project proposal" mellan 2016-05-18 11:34 av Sandra Backman och 2016-05-18 11:36 av Sandra Backman.

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Instructions for degree project

Before you can start the degree project Before you can start the degree project course, you need to hand in:

* project proposal
* the form for application for degree project.
Bilda Hand in the project proposal and the application form by uploading the file in an, so called, activity (or assignment) in Bilda. Choose the activity that corresponds to the own education program. Please note: choose only one activity and hand in only one degree project proposal.

Choose an activity that contains the name “grundnivå” = bachelor level – which are from the first part of activities in the activity list.

For content in project proposal, see guidelines in the project proposal template, below, and Overview page.The application form is handed in after it is signed, for more information see guidelines below.¶ Bilda log inBilda log in¶

Project proposal Form for application for degree project