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Find examiner and supervisor

About examiner and supervisor EThe examiner for the degree project must be a teacher employed by KTH. A supervisor is appointed by the examiner. More than one supervisor may be appointed. If the degree project work is performed at a company a supervisor at the company should be appointed as well.

Find examiner and supervisor If a researcher and/or teacher has provided with athe degree project, it is usually those persons that become examiner and/or academic supervisor. SA supervisor at thea company is usually provided by the company that advertised the project.

When the proposal is uploaded in Canvas, you may be offered a suggested examiner and in some cases, also an academic supervisor, via the system. The important thing is that the students themselvesust proactively establish initial contact and present their proposals for thea potential examiner.If an examiner has been provided but not an academic supervisor, the examiner will assign an academic supervisor.More information is available through lectures.

List of examiners Examiners degree project ICT (last updated 2018-05-22)