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Degree project

¶ Your dAbout the Degree pProject wfork can be performed at a department or at a company. It can also be performed abroad.¶ Find information about degree projects, both for bachelor level and master level in KTH Social https://www.kth.se/social/group/ bachelor, 15 credits Course registration and starting of degree project can at the earliest take place during the final semester in your degree programme. To start a degree project it is required that courses, that are considered relevant to the degree- projects-ict-/.¶ Specific directives and criteria for grading are available in the official course syllabus.¶ Examiner for the degree project must be a teacher e, have been passed and that at least 120 credits from the programme syllabus of the program (consisting of completely completed courses) are completed.¶

The degree project is part of a in-depth subject study, which means that the degree project should be co
mployeted by KTH. A supervisor is appointed by the examiner. More than one supervisor may be appointed. If thewithin the in-depth subject that you've been prepared for. If you wish to perform your thesis in a subject that is outside your disciplinary domain, this must be approved by your Programme Director.¶

degree project work iscan be performed at a company a supervisor at the companydepartment or at a company. It can also be performed abroad.¶

Degree Project at another school within KTH If the degree project is carried out at another
schould be appointed as well.¶ Tol within KTH, this must be approved by your Programme Director. It is important that you follow that school's instructions for the degree project. Examiner should be presented at a public seminar. The student should also perform opposition atovided by the other school.¶

Degree Project abroad If the degree project is carried out abroad, you need a supervisor and examiner at KTH
anod ther degree project presentation.¶ ¶ project must be approved by your Programme Director.