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Create a thesis cover

Create a KTH Thesis Cover All thesis must have a KTH cover. The cover is created via the KTH tool, that you find on the link below

To be able to create a cover you will need a TRITA-number. If you do not have a TRITA-number, use the placeholder: TRITA-XXXX. As the report approaches completion and publication you may be instructed to replace the placeholder with an assigned TRITA-number.¶ Create a thesis cover in PDF

Note When it comes to choices in the form, the following are the most common.

Cycle and credits of the degree project: Degree project, first cycle (15 credits)

Degree: Bachelors degree

Main field or subject of your degree: Technology

Fill in information regarding: Title, Author, School (School of Information and Communication Technology), Year, and TRITA NR.Electrical Engineering and Computer Science), and Year, Do not fill in TRITA, ISSN andor ISRN.