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Create a thesis cover

Create a KTH Thesis Cover All thesis must have a KTH cover. The cover is created via the KTH tool, that you find on the link below

To be able to create a cover, you will need a TRITA-number. The TRITA-NRnumber is obtained by your examiner. TRITA-number can, at the earliest, be obtained when the final version of yout thesis is ready and will be submitted for grading and publishing in DiVA. The number is obtained by contacting, preferably, Student Office, or the examiner of the thesis.

Create a thesis cover in PDF

Student Office¶ Note When it comes to choices in the form, the following are the most common.

Cycle and credits of the degree project: Degree project, first cycle (15 credits)

Degree: Bachelors degree

Main field or subject of your degree: Technology

Fill in information regarding: Title, Author, School (School of Information and Communication Technology), Year, and TRITA NR. Do not fill in ISSN and ISRN.