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Version skapad av Sandra Backman 2020-05-07 16:19

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Master and international coordinator

Master coordinator

Cristina La Verde

Cristina Janland La Verde is master coodinator at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. She administrates the Master’s Programmes within Electrical Engineering: Electrophysics, Electric Power Engineering, Wireless Systems, Network Services and Systems and System, Control and Robotics.

You can turn to the master coordinator if you have questions about your study programme, master degree projects, exchange studies or if you need certificates or forms. Contact the master coordinator by e-mail, phone or during opening hours. 


Information 2020-05-07:

Cristina la Verde is on sick leave until Mid-August. During her absence all incoming issues to ee-master@kth.se will be taken care of by her colleagues, also working with issues related to master studies. If you would like to book a personal appointment via Zoom, or discuss your issue via a telephone call, please send an email to ee-master@kth.se regarding this. One of Cristina´s Master Coordinator colleagues will then contact you.

International coordinator

Sara Sjögren.png

Sara Sjögren is international coordinator at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. You can turn to the international coordinator if you have questions about exchange studies. The international coordinator can be reached via e-mail.
