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Här visas ändringar i "Information about the new appearance / navigation" mellan 2013-08-26 15:26 av Lina Magdalinski och 2013-08-26 15:27 av Lina Magdalinski.

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Information about the new appearance / navigation

It is a new look and feel on the course, program and group webs since the 27 of August.

What have changed and how does it work now?
* The graphic form of the course, group and programme webs has been adjusted to look more as the rest of the KTH web and the new vitalization of the graphic form. We have moved the navigation to the left.
* We have collected functions/tools and separated them from the contents.
* A new start page on course, programme and group webs called “overview”. The news feed is no longer the start page. The description is moved to the start page and is shown in it is full length.
* The courses have a new settings page, where you can choose course rounds/groups on the course as well as before your notifications and schedule preferences.
¶ ¶ Syfte med förändringarna
* Flytta navigationen till vänster som övriga KTH webben är ett önskemål sen länge och ett sätt att göra navigationen synligare
* En renare mer enhetlig layout anpassad till den vitaliserade formen som lyfter fram innehållet.
* Samla funktioner och separera från innehåll ska göra att man lättare kan hitta funktioner och se innehållet.
¶ Bild på översiktsidan med ny vänsternavigation
Picture of the new overview page and navigation to the left None Do you need help? We will be available in the KTH Library at Osquars backe 31, in the "ARC" room.To find the room just follow the red footprints on the floors that starts in the library lobby.

* Tuesday 27 of August, 9-16:30 (except for lunchbreak)
* Wednesday 28 of August, 13-17
* Thursday 29 of August, 9-12
* Friday 30 of August, 9-17 (except for lunchbreak)
If you have any questions you can also contact us by e-mailing itsc@kth.se or call any of us that works with the digital learning tools at KTH.

Name Telephone number Lina Magdalinski 08-790 66 01 Johan Fridell 070-960 68 60 Martin Löfgren 08-790 74 58 Åsa Lindström 08-790 66 47 Catharina Gottberg 08-790 72 83