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Här visas ändringar i "FAQ" mellan 2011-01-20 16:50 av Catharina Gottberg och 2011-01-21 08:40 av Lina Magdalinski.

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Upload material Can you copy and use the same course material during another semester?

* The functionality to copy a course is located under "tools". Choose "Copy page between course rounds" and follow the instructions.
How do you create a group?

* At the bottom of the page you will locate your toolbar. If you click on ”Groups” on the toolbar you will find the option to create a new group on the top right hand corner.
* It is also possible to create a group from your personal KTH.se/ Ssocial webpage. You will then find the heading “create new group” on the right hand side.
Is it possible to use spell check in Social?

* The web platform does not support spell checking but in most cases you have the option to activate the spell check functionality in the web browser, click here for more information.
Settings Why are not other users able to see my picture?

* You have chosen a setting where your profile is visible only to yourself. To change the settings enter “My profile” and edit visibility.
Can I change my password at KTH.se/Ssocial?

* You have the same password for all KTH: services which includes “My pages” and “Webmail”. If you would like to change your password please click here .
Am I able to receive notifications through e-mail?

* Every time one of your events have an update e.g. someone edited/ commented on you page or on a post you have published on KTH.se/Social you are able to receive an e-mail notification. This is a excellent way to monitor events and being informed if there are any questions that need to be answered. To activate notification by e-mail go to the Toolbar> Events> Show all events and then click on “send updates about events as an e-mail”.
Can I register for the exam on KTH.se/Ssocial?

* Not yet, however in some cases you are able to register through “My pages”. You will find a shortcut to “My pages” in the toolbar at the bottom of the page.
KTH.se/Ssocial in relation to other systems How is KTH.se/Ssocial related to Bilda?

* KTH.se/Ssocial is focused on improving student’s communication and participation through social networking seeing as it will aid them to share knowledge. There will be a link from the course activities in Bilda to KTH.se/Ssocial with the stipulation there is a connection between course activity and the course itself in Bilda.
* Currently you are able to create your own links for the activities in Bilda, such as assignments and course evaluations. For the time being Bilda will be presented parallel to KTH.se/Social. Bilda acts as a complement to KTH.se/Ssocial when it comes to document archives, tests, assignments and surveys. Eventually these functionalities will be integrated into KTH.se/Ssocial.
How is KTH.se/Ssocial related to “My pages”?

* There are links between the different systems foremost by the toolbar. The toolbar is also going to be accessible in most of the other web interfaces that are supplied by KTH. We will be continuing working towards a greater integration of the functionalities.
How is KTH.se/Ssocial related to the course and programme catalogue?

* In the beginning there will be links between the systems and over time we will be able to evaluate the need for a closer knit integration.
Do KTH.se/ Ssocial have an archive function?

* Currently we are working together with the archive department at KTH on developing an archive.

If you have any further questions do not hesitate to leave a comment with your query.