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Version skapad av Charlie Gullström 2014-09-02 17:09

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Academic Year 2014/2015

The detailed course planning will be presented in more detail when Studio Project 1 starts on Monday 15 September 2014. The first couple of weeks will be in workshop format - some modifications to the presentations below will take place.

We will also discuss appropriate study trip destinations with you. SInce the school does not pay or subsidize study trips we want to plan them together with you. We have some suggestions in south and north! For those who wish not to travel, or just want to make a short trip, alternative assignments in the school will be provided.

Welcome to Studio 4!

Ori, Charlie, Farvash and Nandi

Studio projects 1-2 are linked to each other. We will run workshops and invite guest lecturers from relevant research areas to facilitate the understanding and application of these new issues.


Studio Project 1: Materiality in architecture & new architectural materials

A separate workshop schedule will be distributed and you will work intensely in small groups the first two weeks. Please note that the following description is only a preliminary draft.

(Week 1-2): Choose a building material you like. Explore it and push it to its limits, way beyond its conventional usage by modelling and testing. At which point does it change character? How can you describe and represent its qualities and limitations? Produce a thorough account of the potential of the material, in a physical artistic expression. Tools: eyes, hands, mass, sketching tools.


(Week 3-4): Choose a completely new material, a substance you never saw used in a built environment. The task is to investigate its potential and to find its usage for the built environment. Use suitable tools for the exploration of the material.


(Week 5-6): Based on the previous investigation and a given programme for new headquarters and a research and production unit, you will develop a first concept sketch and a model.


Studio Project 2: Building for extreme conditions. Design the building, based on your explorations in Studio Project 1. Pin-ups every two weeks.


Studio Project 3: KTH Space Pavilion. Design a showcase pavilion for Space and extreme conditions, to be built on KTH campus. The activity is aligned with an international astronaut conference in September 2015 hosted by KTH Space Centre, European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA.


Studio Project 4: A Competitive Edge. As in previous years, the students of Studio #4 will participate in an international architectural competition. However, a few students will instead develop their pavilion designs (from Studio Project 3) into work drawings for planned construction in August 2015.