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The KTH Swedish-English dictionary

Since 2012, there is a Swedish-English dictionary, now consisting of more thanalmost 13400 KTH conceptterms. The dictionary was developed and is maintained by the Language committee. It is built on the UHR Swedish-English dictionary for university and college terms, but it also contains many KTH specific terms, for example positions and functions at KTH. The dictionary is used in the Convertus system, for machine translating course plans program syllabuses.

* The entire dictionary as PDF, version 20234-07-01.
* The entire dictionary as XSLX, version 20234-07-01.
* Interactive search in the dictionary.
The dictionary is updated every year in July. Comments and proposals of new words and changes to the dictionary can be posted at the discussion group web page or be mailed to sprakkommitten@kth.se