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Version skapad av Viggo Kann 2013-10-23 14:48

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Organisation of the language committee

The language committe (Språkkommittén) was apointed in 2010 and worked until the end of 2012. From 2013 the responsibility for the language committe was moved to the School of Education and Communication in Engineering Science (ECE). The new language committee should consist of a chairperson, appointed by ECE, four members appointed by the faculty council, and two students appointed by THS.

Members of the language committee from 2013

  • Viggo Kann, CSC, ordförande
  • Michael Hanke, SCI
  • Richard Nordberg, ECE
  • Andrew Martin, ITM
  • Nina Wormbs, ABE
  • Ivy Wang, THS International
  • vacant, the PhD student chapter of THS

Manifesto of the language committee

The language committee should:

  1. define which new activities are required for the policy to be implemented and estimate the costs,
  2. disseminate information on the policy inside and outside KTH,
  3. monitor language issues at KTH and in society so that the policy is kept up-to-date,
  4. act as a resource when important decisions with language issues are to be taken at KTH,
  5. collect data on how language is used at KTH, for example language of instruction in courses at different levels, language of course literature, language in degree projects and theses, language at thesis defences and docent lectures, language competence of international students, PhD students and teachers,
  6. conduct investigations that may affect the language policy in the future, for example new students' and teachers' desires for language competence, the industry's desire for language competence of engineers.


The activities of the language committee are described in a separate web page.