Language resources and tools
A large number of websites on language use, language tools, etc. for Swedish and English are listed here.
For templates for degree projects and presentations, please look at a separate page.
General language resources |
Dictionaries, word lists and terminology resources |
The KTH Centre for Academic Writing and Rhetoric (CAW) | Academic Phrasebank |
The Swedish Language Council | Acronym Finder |
Writing |
InterActive Terminology for Europe |
Skrivguiden (Swedish) | The KTH Swedish-English dictionary |
The KTH guide to scientific writing (English) | The UHR Swedish-English dictionary for university and college terms |
Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences | Lexin dictionary |
How to Write an Abstract | OneLook Dictionary Search |
How to Write and Present Technical Information | |
Online Technical Writing | "The People's dictionary" |
A Typographical Primer | The Swedish Academy's dictionary app |
Writing Guidelines for Engineering and Science Students | |
EU style guide | |
Rhetoric |
Tools |
American Rhetoric | Grammarly - grammar checking for English |
Silva rhetoricae | Granska - grammar checking for Swedish |