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Short videos with tips on presentation techniques

1. Olle Bälter's Unified Field Theory for Presentation Technique http://youtu.be/aPrwtKsdDPo

The difference between the message and what you say.

∞. Start with the most important idea http://youtu.be/Fy5H87w26Wc

Or most important result. Why you should not open a presentation in the way everyone but me suggests. The traditional academic order of presenting is good for written communication, but not oral presentations.

2. Nervousness can be good for you - embrace it http://youtu.be/Du_dsUYzdsA¶

Nervousness is good sign you care about your presentation. You are not alone. Practice. Breathe. Introduction by heart. Find friendly faces. Aim at forehead.

3. Clothes can be distracting http://youtu.be/efHS2ZnbYDA¶

Adapt your clothes to your message.

4. Text is distracting http://youtu.be/TtUXuT-MoKk¶

Avoid text as much as possible unless you want the audience to read it instead of listening to you.

5. Movement is distracting http://youtu.be/DgQDIA31Lhg¶

Movement can be your enemy unless you use it to your own advantage.

6. Don't let technical aids interfere with your message http://youtu.be/yruiX_JP_1k¶

Darkness makes people fall asleep. Humming makes people fall asleep. A projection makes the presenter look and talk in the wrong direction. Use only when they add something to your presentation.