Invitation to the Spring Forum of The KTH Network on Complex and Dynamic Systems Modeling for Sustainability (CDSMS)

Date: Friday, May 29, 2015.
Time: 11.30-15.00.
Location: Seminar room 4423, Lindstedtsvägen 5, floor 4.
Language: English  


11:30 - 11:50   Lunch is served

11:50 - 12:00   Welcome and introduction to KTH Network on CDSMS (Complex and Dynamic Systems Modeling for Sustainability)

12:00 - 13:00   Presentation of the current state of KTH research and education on CDSMS and discussion of ideas to promote collaboration through KTH network on CDSMS

13:00 - 14:00   Presentation (20 min) and discussion (40 min) of a PhD research proposal by Rajib Sinha on "Adopting multi-method modeling techniques in industrial ecology system analysis to create a dynamic and flexible modeling environment"

14:00 - 15:00   Presentation (20 min) and discussion (40 min) of a research proposal by Mohammad Ahmadi Achachlouei on "Utilizing Big Data and agent-based modeling to enhance sustainability assessment of complex systems"

15:00 - 16:00   Mingling

Register for the event here: 

The KTH Network on Complex & Dynamic Systems Modeling for Sustainability (CDSMS), funded by KTH Sustainability, will provide a platform for people and projects at KTH related to technical, socio-economic and ecological studies which employ complex and dynamic systems modeling and simulation techniques such as differential equation modeling, system dynamics, agent-based modeling and discrete-event simulation. This network aims to enhance the collaboration and knowledge sharing among KTH CDSMS researchers and to contribute to raising the quality and recognition of CDSMS research at KTH and Sweden. The collaboration can be utilized though joint applications, publications, research activities, supervision, education, etc.  The main goal of the network is to bring researchers from different disciplines of engineering, natural science, social science, economics, and management to share with other KTH researchers their experience and challenges with their methodological approaches to complex and dynamic systems modeling. 
