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Peter Lynch - Timescape Gardens

Tid: Fredag 29 januari 2021 kl 13:00 - 15:00 2021-01-29T13:00:00 2021-01-29T15:00:00

Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
KTH School of Architecture - Higher Seminars in Architecture

Plats: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/67042903633


Peter Lynch, detail of garden design proposal for Prague Castle Pheasantry, 1997


Peter Lynch

29th of January, 2021, 13.00 - zoom link

Additional text can be downloaded here: 

KTH School of Architecture celebrates the contribution of Peter Lynch as Guest Professor in Architecture since 2015. During this time he has taught advanced studio and mentored Diploma Project students, offered lecture series in the History and Theory of Architecture, presented school-wide orientation courses in architecture and urbanism, and organized and participated in public symposia. 

The focus of this event will be a lecture by Peter outlining his current collaborative research project,  "Timescape Gardens," which is scheduled to be included in the Italian Pavilion of this year’s International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale.

This interdisciplinary research and design project was developed in collaboration with dancer/choreographer Anna Asplind, data scientist Mats Nordahl (KTH), strategic planner Martin Heidesjö (Norrköping municipality) and landscape architect Patrick Bellan (SLU) and draws upon survey, documentation, and design work by over 550 students in KTH’s advanced architecture program between 2018 and 2020. 

The project questions the spatial, social, and environmental potential of urban microparks which function as biodiversity preserves, habitat corridors, passive recreation areas, and environmental monitoring stations as well as their role in mediating human and non-human encounters. The project presents design proposals for two sites at two scales. At metropolitan scale, the project will present a schematic design proposal for a network of microparks in Stockholm’s marginal green areas. At detail scale, the project focuses on the design of a Timescape Garden in Norrköping, Sweden.

The lecture will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions, reflect and discuss together with Peter. 

The lecture is open to the public and will be recorded. Welcome!

Administratör Janek Ozmin skapade händelsen 21 januari 2021
Administratör Janek Ozmin redigerade 21 januari 2021

Peter Lynch, detail of garden design proposal for Prague Castle Pheasantry, 1997


29th of January, 2021, 13.00 - zoom link

Additional text can be downloaded here:

KTH School of Architecture celebrates the contribution of Peter Lynch as Guest Professor in Architecture since 2015, during which time he has taught undergraduate and postgraduate studio, History and Theory of Architecture as well as authoring school-wide orientation courses in architecture and urbanism.

The focus of this event will be a lecture by Peter outlining his current collaborative research work titled Timescape Gardens which is scheduled to be included in the Italian Pavilion of this year’s International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale.

This interdisciplinary research and design project was developed in collaboration with dancer/choreographer Anna Asplind, data scientist Mats Nordahl (KTH), strategic planner Martin Heidesjö (Norrköping municipality) and landscape architect Patrick Bellan (SLU) and draws upon survey, documentation, and design work by over 550 students in KTH’s advanced architecture program between 2018 and 2020.

The project questions the spatial, social, and environmental potential of urban microparks which function as biodiversity preserves, habitat corridors, passive recreation areas, environmental monitoring stations and teaching gardens as well as their role in mediating human and non-human encounters. The project presents design proposals for two sites at two scales. At the metropolitan scale, the project will present a schematic design proposal for a network of microparks in Stockholm’s marginal green areas. At detail scale, the project focuses on the design of a Timescape Garden in Norrköping, Sweden.

The lecture will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions, reflect and discuss together with Peter.

The lecture is open to the public and will be recorded. Welcome!

Administratör Janek Ozmin redigerade 21 januari 2021

Peter Lynch, detail of garden design proposal for Prague Castle Pheasantry, 1997


29th of January, 2021, 13.00 - zoom link

Additional text can be downloaded here:

KTH School of Architecture celebrates the contribution of Peter Lynch as Guest Professor in Architecture since 2015, d. During wthichs time he has taught undergraduate and postgraduate studio,advanced studio and mentored Diploma Project students, offered lecture series in the History and Theory of Architecture as well as authoring, presented school-wide orientation courses in architecture and urbanism., and organized and participated in public symposia.

The focus of this event will be a lecture by Peter outlining his current collaborative research work titled project, "Timescape Gardens," which is scheduled to be included in the Italian Pavilion of this year’s International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale.

This interdisciplinary research and design project was developed in collaboration with dancer/choreographer Anna Asplind, data scientist Mats Nordahl (KTH), strategic planner Martin Heidesjö (Norrköping municipality) and landscape architect Patrick Bellan (SLU) and draws upon survey, documentation, and design work by over 550 students in KTH’s advanced architecture program between 2018 and 2020.

The project questions the spatial, social, and environmental potential of urban microparks which function as biodiversity preserves, habitat corridors, passive recreation areas, and environmental monitoring stations and teaching gardens as well as their role in mediating human and non-human encounters. The project presents design proposals for two sites at two scales. At the metropolitan scale, the project will present a schematic design proposal for a network of microparks in Stockholm’s marginal green areas. At detail scale, the project focuses on the design of a Timescape Garden in Norrköping, Sweden.

The lecture will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions, reflect and discuss together with Peter.

The lecture is open to the public and will be recorded. Welcome!

Administratör Janek Ozmin gjorde händelsen ej inställd 22 januari 2021

Administratör Janek Ozmin ändrade rättigheterna 22 januari 2021

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