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Februari 2017
Administratör Fredrick Lekarp skrev inlägget 20 februari 2017

Fredrick Lekarp taggade med EIT, Energy, InnoEnergy och innovation. 20 februari 2017

Administratör Fredrick Lekarp korrigerade 20 februari 2017

IE logo.png¶ 2017 Investment Round for Innovation Projects - InnoEnergy IE logo.png¶

investment round 2017.png

Are you working on the next revolution in energy innovation? InnoEnergy, the innovation engine for sustainable energy across Europe, has launched its 2017 Investment Round for Innovation Projects.

In its sixth year, the Investment Round for Innovation Projects – previously the Call for Innovation Proposals – is open to proven technology concepts that will help to change the future of the energy industry.

By connecting successful applicants with our pan-European network of industry experts, businesses and researchers, the round will help European businesses – start-ups, SMEs or larger – to commercialise their technology.

Since 2011, the Investment Round has successfully supported projects to raise €1.2 billion (bn), with InnoEnergy investing €147 million and the remainder being funded by partner companies and investors. This has resulted in the creation of 250 project partners across Europe, with 78 products now commercially viable and linked to €3bn in forecasted sales.

What’s more, this year’s Investment Round has a streamlined questionnaire to make application faster and simpler.  

The Investment Round is open until 7 April 2017. Start your journey with InnoEnergy today – sign up here and let us help turn your concept into a commercial reality.

More information about the application process is also available via two free webinars. Register to view them here.

Administratör Fredrick Lekarp korrigerade 20 februari 2017

2017 Investment Round for Innovation Projects - InnoEnergy IE logo.png

investment round 2017.png

Are you working on the next revolution in energy innovation? InnoEnergy, the innovation engine for sustainable energy across Europe, has launched its 2017 Investment Round for Innovation Projects.

In its sixth year, the Investment Round for Innovation Projects – previously the Call for Innovation Proposals – is open to proven technology concepts that will help to change the future of the energy industry.

By connecting successful applicants with our pan-European network of industry experts, businesses and researchers, the round will help European businesses – start-ups, SMEs or larger – to commercialise their technology.

Since 2011, the Investment Round has successfully supported projects to raise €1.2 billion (bn), with InnoEnergy investing €147 million and the remainder being funded by partner companies and investors. This has resulted in the creation of 250 project partners across Europe, with 78 products now commercially viable and linked to €3bn in forecasted sales.

What’s more, this year’s Investment Round has a streamlined questionnaire to make application faster and simpler.  

The Investment Round is open until 7 April 2017. Start your journey with InnoEnergy today – sign up here and let us help turn your concept into a commercial reality.

More information about the application process is also available via two free webinars. Register to view them here.

Maj 2016
Administratör Fredrick Lekarp skrev inlägget 3 maj 2016
Administratör Fredrick Lekarp korrigerade 3 maj 2016

KIC InnoEnergy Co-Funded Industrial Doctorate The KIC InnoEnergy PhD School is launching the first round of its KIC InnoEnergy Industrial Doctorate (KID2016).

A KIC InnoEnergy Industrial Doctorate is a joint doctoral training project between KIC InnoEnergy, a company, an academic participant (university, research institution, etc.) and, optionally, a local/regional/national institution committed to the promotion of the industrial doctorate. The research project will be carried out at a company, where PhD candidates will further develop their research training in collaboration with a university, and which is the object of a doctoral thesis addressing at least one of the KIC InnoEnergy Energy Challenges. KIC InnoEnergy will complete the funding provided by the local/regional/national institution in order to cover the cost of the salary.

The benefit for you is to boost the innovation by having a PhD candidate committed to innovation. At the end it could be possible to leverage the Industrial Doctorate results by further participating to a KIC InnoEnergy Innovation Project.

The first step launched today is for project submission. This round will close on May, 31.

You will find a complete description and the submission documents on our website www.kic-innoenergy.com/education/phd-school/kic-innoenergy-industrial-doctorate-projects

The generic email address to contact kid2016.phdschool@kic-innoenergy.com.


A Q&A session will be organized by Skype or phone call on May, 18. Please send us your contact information and availability at least one day before, we will contact you.

Februari 2016
Administratör Fredrick Lekarp skrev inlägget 1 februari 2016
Oktober 2015
Administratör Fredrick Lekarp skapade händelsen 21 oktober 2015

Fredrick Lekarp taggade med InnoEnergy, Energy och Innovation. 21 oktober 2015

Administratör Fredrick Lekarp redigerade 21 oktober 2015

Photo.jpg Programme Welcome to KIC InnoEnergy and Power Circle -  Kenneth Johansson, CEO, and Bo Normark, Thematic Leader on Smart Grids and Energy Storage, KIC InnoEnergy Sweden.Tesla Motors: Electric vehicles,future strategy by Tesla - Andy Rietschel, Tesla Motors Regional Corporate Sales Manager.Innovation in the transport sector - Olle Johansson, CEO, Power Circle, and Bo Normark, KIC InnoEnergy Sweden

Read more and register here!

September 2015
Administratör Fredrick Lekarp skapade händelsen 18 september 2015
Administratör Fredrick Lekarp redigerade 18 september 2015

MånOnsdag 21 septemoktober 2015 kl 08:30 - Tiorsdag 22 septemoktober 2015 kl 16:30

Maj 2015
Administratör Fredrick Lekarp skapade händelsen 11 maj 2015

Fredrick Lekarp taggade med InnoEnergy, Innovation, KIC, EIT och Energy. 11 maj 2015

April 2015
Administratör Fredrick Lekarp skrev inlägget 8 april 2015

Fredrick Lekarp taggade med InnoEnergy, learning modul, LM, IE, MOOC och Education. 8 april 2015

Mars 2015
Administratör Fredrick Lekarp skrev inlägget 1 oktober 2014
Administratör Fredrick Lekarp korrigerade 30 mars 2015

KIC InnoEnergy PATHWAYS – Funding and business training for top researchers See the video clip on YouTube:¶ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_A6AVcjF8I&list=UUgVeGFsA11BBjHNLdLWaQSQ¶ See how PATHWAYS will help boost your R&D in sustainable energy: 90 second video. PATHWAYS provides funding for results-oriented researchers.- Spring session now open!
* Are you a young researcher or engineer looking for international experience in sustainable energy?
* Are you a KIC InnoEnergy partner and looking to find top researchers, get funding and training for your strategic projects?
Then KIC InnoEnergy Pathways could be the program you are looking for.¶

PATHWAYS is a fFellowship pProgramme design, crafted and operated by KIC InnoEnergy, and is one of the European Un (KIC-IE), offers 123 two-year fellowships to junior researchers hosted by the KIC-IE Partners and KIC-IE supported startups.¶

Host organisat
ions Marie Curie actions.will receive a monthly lump sum funding partly their salary costs (40%). In addition, the training activities costs are directly covered by PATHWAYS.¶

All KIC InnoEnergy partners (research centers, universities, private companies) and startups can benefit from this programme to boosts its research capacities.

Spring session is now open for applications!¶

Direct link to KIC InnoEnergy Pathways: https://pathways.kic-innoenergy.com/

Februari 2015
Administratör Fredrick Lekarp skrev inlägget 19 februari 2015

Fredrick Lekarp taggade med EIT, InnoEnergy, Innovation, Smart grid, Energy storage, Energy och KIC. 19 februari 2015