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Previous speakers

Spring 2023

Speaker University Date
Katie Bruegge University of Kentucky January 25, 2023
Per Alexandersson Stockholm University February 1, 2023
Sasha Pevzner University of Minnesota February 8, 2023
Aryaman Jal KTH March 1, 2023
Richard Stanley MIT and University of Miami March 8, 2023
Jerónimo Valencia-Porras University of Waterloo March 15, 2023
Leonardo Saud Maia Leite KTH March 22, 2023
Darij Grinberg Drexel University March 29, 2023
Kevin Piterman Marburg University April 5, 2023
Victoria Schleis University of Tübingen April 19, 2023
Yuval Roichman Bar-Ilan University May 3, 2023
Anders Claesson University of Iceland May 10, 2023
Lilla Tóthmérész Eötvös University, Budapest May 17, 2023
Esme Bajo UC Berkeley May 31, 2023
Sophie Rehberg  FU Berlin May 31, 2023
Akihiro Higashitani Osaka University June 7, 2023

Autumn 2022

Speaker University Date
Alexander Lazar KTH/Université Libre de Bruxelles September 7, 2022
Petter Restadh KTH September 14, 2022
Vassilis Moustakas Bar-Ilan University September 21, 2022
Johanna Steinmeyer University of Copenhagen/Hebrew University of Jerusalem October 5, 2022
Luis Ferroni KTH October 12, 2022
Petter Brändén KTH October 19, 2022
Lorenzo Vecchi University of Bologna October 26, 2022
Christos Athanasiadis University of Athens November 9, 2022
Matt Larson Stanford University November 16, 2022
Chi Ho Yuen University of Oslo November 23, 2022
Pratik Misra KTH November 30, 2022

Autumn 2021

Speaker Title Date
Chris Eur Tautological classes of matroids 2021-09-01 15:15
Mariel Supina Equivariant Ehrhart theory: Overview and recent results 2021-09-08 10:15
Akihiro Higashitani Universal inequalities for h*-vectors of lattice polytopes 2021-09-15 10:15
Peter Cameron The geometry of diagonal groups 2021-09-22 10:15
Eva Philippe Sweep polytopes and sweep oriented matroids 2021-09-29 10:15
Richard Stanley 2021-10-06 15:15
Lukas Kühne 2021-10-13 10:15
Luis Ferroni Valuative invariants for large classes of matroids 2021-10-20 10:15
Hailun Zheng 2021-10-27
Daniel Köhne 2021-11-03 10:15
Jorge Olarte 2021-11-10 10:15

The schedule will be updated when speakers are confimed.

Spring 2021

Speaker Title
Alexander Lazar q-Enumeration of Barely Set-Valued Tableaux and P-Partitions
Luis Ferroni Matroids are not Ehrhart positive
Emanuele Delucchi Supersolvable posets and the K(\pi,1) property for Abelian arrangements
Eleni Tzanaki Symmetric decompositions, triangulations and real-rootedness
Jonathan Leake Transportation polytope volume bounds via polynomial capacity and Lorentzian polynomials
Amy Wiebe A combinatorial approach to Minkowski tensors of polytopes
Julian Pfeifle Positive Plücker Tree Certificates for Non-Realizability
Thomas Lam Polypositroids
Anders Claesson On the problem of Hertzsprung and similar problems
Colin Defant Fertilitopes Kopiera till klippboken
Matthias Schymura Complexity of linear relaxations in integer programming
Martin Winter Capturing Polytopal Symmetries in the Edge-Graph
Luca Schaffler Point configurations, phylogenetic trees, and dissimilarity vectors Eran Nevo: Face enumeration in flag complexes
Maria Dostert A Semidefinite Programming Bound for the Average Kissing Number
Felipe Rincón Tropical Ideals
Sebastian Manecke Inscribable fans, zonotopes, and reflection arrangements
Tara Fife Towards explicit minimal tropical basis for transversal matroids
Afshin Goodarzi Mixed connectivity for cell complexes
Nasrin Altafi Jordan types for Artinian algebras of codimension two
Andrés David Santamaría-Galvis Partitioning the Projective Plane and the Dunce Hat

Autumn 2020

Jan-Marten Brunink Combinatorics of antiprism triangulations
Petter Restadh A Polytopal Method for DAG Structure Learning
Federico Castillo The space of Minkowski Summands
Joseph Doolittle Counterexamples to Perles Conjecture
Samu Potka Limiting Directions for Random Walks in Classical Affine Weyl Groups
Lorenzo Venturello Flag triangulated spheres and quadratic algebras
Benjamin Schröter About Dressians and tropical Grassmannians
Alexander Lazar Partition and Cohen-Macaulay Extenders

Earlier years are to be filled in.