Presentation of BSc thesis
Titel: Utilizing Multicore Processors with Streamed Data Parallel Applications for Mobile Platforms
Author:  Donny Åström Fransson
Language: engelska
Time: Tuesday, 2012-05-29 @ 13:00
Place: SICS / Electrum, room Grottan (Isafjordsgatan 22, eelvator B6 ask for Mats Brorsson in the reception)


Performance has always been a major concern among computers and microprocessors. So have the qualities of the applications that are executed by these processors. When the multicore evolution began, programmers faced a shift in programming paradigms required to utilize the full potential of these processors. Now that the same evolution has reached the market of mobile devices, the developers focusing on mobile platforms are facing the same challenge.

This thesis focuses on assessing some of the possible application quality gains that can be achieved by adopting parallel programming techniques for mobile platforms. In particular, throughput performance, low-latency performance and power consumption.
A Proof of Concept application was developed to measure these specific qualities using a streamed data parallel approach. By adopting proper parallel programming techniques to utilize the multicore processor architecture, it was possible to achieve 90% better throughput performance or the same latency quality with 60% lower CPU frequency. Unfortunately, the power consumption could not be accurately measured using the available hardware.