Presentation av högskoleingenjörsexamensarbete

Titel: Ethernetkommunikation för radarsensor

Respondent: Michael Engfors

Opponent: vakant, kontakta examinator om du är intresserad

Examinator: Bengt Molin

Tid: onsdag 22 juni 2011 kl 15.00

Plats: Saab, Nettovägen 6, Järfälla

Om du vill lyssna på presentationen är du välkommen att anmäla intresse att delta till examinator. Detta måste du i så fall göra senst tisdag kl 12.


This bachelor thesis evaluates the suitability of a selected microcontroller (PIC18F66J60) and compatible TCP/IP Stack for the purpose of creating an Ethernet communication solution for a set of radar sensors developed by Saab.

The evaluation was done by creating and implementing a working Ethernet communication system from the two components mentioned above through first implementing the TCP/IP Stack on the microcontroller and then writing the necessary application layer processes and procedures that provide the required communication features. 

Through a documented development process with tests and optimization attempts the report will show that the performance of the chosen microcontroller and TCP/IP Stack is too poor for them to be considered suitable as the hardware and software components of an adequate Ethernet communication system.