Presentation av högskoleingenjörsexamensarbete
Bsc thesis presentation 15 June 09:00 

Erica Soltanieh

Pointing customers towards 4G technology
- Customer experience of mobile broadband bundled offerings

Wednesday June 15 at 9:00 

Seminar room Motala at Cos (Electrum floor 4, elevator C),   Isafjordsgatan 22, Kista.

Professor Jens Zander

Jan Markendahl



In this paper the topic of 4G technology is examined from a customer point of view. The study is conducted using a qualitative method. It is based mainly upon secondary sources, such as literature studies, as well as empirical data collections from two interviews. The questions to be answered are how mobile operators are motivating customers to move towards 4G technology and if the development of technology plays a roll and finally what their bundling offers are for the use of 4G technology. This study will only focus on the Swedish market in 2011.

The results obtained are that 4G means access to mobile broadband with higher capacity and having wireless data access with a higher speed. It also appears to be an important " image creator" for Telia to be first in launching 4G in the world. Operators are differentiating themselves by offering different speed, data volume and pricing, based on present customer needs and to meet their future demands. 4G appear as a natural and obvious move within mobile technology after having experienced 2G and 3G.

In Sweden due to the advancement in technology, consumers care more about mobility with faster connection. This makes it easier for mobile operators to defend the higher pricing for a better customer experience.