Presentation av examensarbete till Högskoleingenjör

Titel:  User interface optimization for efficient information communication

Respondent:  Xiao He

Dag, Datum och Tid: Onsdag 2019-08-21 kl 0800

Plats: Sal C, Electrum Kista

Opponenter:  Ännu ingen

Examinator: Fadil Galjic

Språk: Engelska (frågor kan ställas på svenska)

Anmälan: Anmälan för närvaro behövs ej av besökare eller "aktiva lyssnare".


Graphical User Interface, which is known as GUI, is a way for a person to communicate and interact with a system through icons or other visual indicators. A well designed and intuitive user interface is critical to the success
of a system since it encourages a natural interaction between a user and a system, thus conveying information more clearly and efficiently to the user.

The aim of this study is to optimize a user interface that is used in a financial technology company in their credit risk assessment process. The current user interface contains a visualization of an individual credit risk assessment flow
together with a lot of data that is generated in the process. Some of the data is not properly visualized which leads to confusion among end users.

The ultimate goal is to give design suggestions which can help to communicate information to end users in a more clear and efficient manner and implement the optimized user interface which can help end users – credit officers in
making credit decisions.

GUI, user interface, user experience, human computer interaction, front-end development