Presentation av examensarbete Högskoleingenjör

  • Titel: Collecting sensor data using a mobile phone
  • Respondent:  Adrian Rågberg och Anton Jernberg
  • Dag, Datum och Tid: Tisdag 13 juni, kl 09.00-10.00
  • Plats: Sal Ka-301 i Electrum Kista
  • Opponent: Schahin Rajab, Türkbey Kilic och en till.
  • Examinator: Bengt Molin och Anders Sjögren
  • Språk: Rapport på engelska
  • Anmälan: Behövs ej


Internet of Things(IoT) has in recent years become a topic of broad and current interest. The purpose of this thesis is to anticipate weather conditions by constructing a system for collecting information about atmospheric pressure. The development of the system will solve the following problem:
It should be possible to implement a system that allows for the collection of
information from sensors through a mobile phone.
The problem was solved through an iOS application together with a Micro Controller Unit (MCU)
and a sensor. To collect weather data, the BME280, with its atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity sensor, was used. Bluetooth was chosen for the interaction between the Automat and the iOS application. This proved to be a possible solution to a problem in a growing area of application.
An advantage to this hardware solution is the mobility and exibility of the Automat, making it ideal for mobile IoT solutions. Arduino is, however, the better choice for developers, as it has a larger community and clear documentation.
MCU, IoT, Sensor, Bluetooth, iOS, Automat, Weather