• Presentation av examensarbete Högskoleingenjör
  • Titel: Utvärdering av Golang för högpresterande radioaccessystem
  • Respondent: Filip Forsby och Martin Persson
  • Dag, Datum och Tid:  Tisdag den 9:e juni, kl 10
  • Plats: sal B
  • Opponent: Johan Waller och Ville Granfors
  • Examinator: Johan Montelius
  • Språk: Svenska
  • Anmälan: Johan Montelius
  • Abstract: Increasing mobile data traffic puts pressure on the current technologies used in today’s radio access units and new solutions are needed in order to cope with the greater demands. It’s therefore important to evaluate emerging technologies, including programming languages, to determine their suitability for this field of application.
    Golang is one of these new programming languages that have not yet been evaluated. This thesis has the purpose to perform an evaluation of Golang used in a high performance scalable radio access system. To do this, an application is developed from an already existing model written in Erlang and the two implementations are compared and benchmarked with specific key aspects in mind.
    The results show that Golang performs well and has the potential to be a good candidate for future systems. However, the language is found to not yet be fully mature and lacks important functionality required and needs to be further developed in order to be fully suitable for this specific application.