Presentation av examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsexamen


Mainframes and media streaming solutions
How to make mainframes great again
Dag, Datum och Tid: Onsdag 2020-06-03 kl 13.00
Plats: Webb-möte (online-möte) med uppkoppling via Zoom:  se denna länk
Opponenter: (max 3 st), kontakta respondenter för opponering på rapport.
Examinator: Anders Sjögren, handledare Johan Montelius
Språk: Muntligt på svenska, presentationsbilder på engelska/svenska (frågor kan ställas på engelska).
Anmälan: Anmälan för lyssnarnärvaro behövs ej för besökare.  "Aktiva lyssnare" anmäler sig till senast en dag i förväg.


Mainframes has been used for well over 50 years and are built for processing demanding workloads fast, with the latest models using IBM’s z/Architecture processors. In the time of writing, the mainframes are a central unit of the
world’s largest corporations in banking, finance and health care. Performing, for example, heavy loads of transaction processing. When IBM bought RedHat and acquired the container orchestration platform OpenShift, the lab in Poughkeepsie figured that a new opportunity for the mainframe might have opened. A media streaming server built with OpenShift, running on a mainframe. This is interesting because a media streaming solution built with OpenShift might perform better on a mainframe than on a traditional server.

First, the solution has to be built and tested on a mainframe to confirm that such a solution actually works. Later, IBM will perform a benchmark to see if the solution is viable to sell.

The authors method includes finding the best suitable streaming software according to some criterias that has to be met. Nginx was the winner, being the only tested software thatwas open-source, scalable, runnable in a container and supported adaptive streaming. With the software selected, configuration with Nginx, Docker and OpenShift resulted in a fully functional proof of concept.

Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the authors never got access to a mainframe, as promised, to test the solution; however, OpenShift is platform agnostic and should, theoretically, run on a mainframe.

What the authors left for future engineers to expand upon is a study on more software, including enterprise versions, as this study only contains opensource. Another expansion left for future engineers would be an expansion of the feature set of the existing solution.


IBM, Mainframe, OpenShift, Media streaming, Video on demand, Nginx