Presentation av examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsexamen

Titel: A Proposal for Augmented Reality Integration in Navigation
Dag, Datum och Tid: Onsdag 16/2-22 kl. 13.15
Plats: Sal C i Electrum Kista
Opponenter: Opponeringsplatser finns (max 3 st), kontakta respondenten
Examinator: Anders Sjögren
Språk: Muntligt på svenska, rapport på engelska, frågor kan ställas på engelska och svenska
Anmälan: Anmälan behövs ej för besökare. Aktiva lyssnare är välkomna.


In today's society, approximately half of the world population utilize their smartphone for their everyday tasks such as handling scheduled events,  financial inquiries and general social life. They have been an amazing tool for helping people handle these tasks easily, conveniently and swiftly, all in the palm of our hands. This also includes travelling and navigation. Even for travelling by foot, smartphones possess features that make them a flexible option. As such,  navigation apps have been of heavy use. They do have some problems, such as lacking information on more recent paths or smaller known areas that have not been added to the database.

Hence, Neava AB had an interest in exploring this field and finding a solution using Augmented Reality (AR). This thesis will document the process, from the creation of the development plan to the development process, the final result and discussion. It will also showcase other applications of AR technology in similar and completely different fields, along with future potential usage.

The final prototype is a small program that allows the user to be guided from a start position to a destination with a visual aid in terms of an arrow that points the user towards the destination. It guides the user to a certain checkpoint between the two points. When the user has reached the checkpoint, they press the button on the screen to be guided to the next checkpoint with audio in the form of an audio clip informing which direction to turn. This is repeated until the destination is reached. At that point, pressing the button again will bring out the text. The current text is dummy text currently but is meant to contain information about the destination in the final build.

This thesis will also analyse the reliability of the GPS and Gyroscope components within a smartphone by request of the examiner. This test is done by walking from a starting position towards a set location while recording the current coordinates and time since departure. These values are recorded in a
text file. The program is then terminated and the process repeats itself back to the starting position. The data will then be visualised analysed to determine
the stability.

In the end, the prototype showed promise in becoming a commercial product with more development time. There were many features that did not make it into the prototype such as a virtual trail for improved visual guidance and having voice lines and checkpoints change automatically. The GPS tests showed great promise in reliability and stability, showcasing small deviation which could be attributed to other factors than the component itself. The gyroscope was a bit less reliable, but that can be addressed in software.

Navigation, AR, GPS, Unity, Gyroscope, Component Research