Presentation av examensarbete för högskoleingenjör- och kandidatexamen

Titel: User Experience influenced model for comparing Progressive Web Applications and Native applications

Respondent: Mileikowsky, Celine och Porling, Sebastian

Dag, Datum och Tid: Fredag 2020-04-03 kl 15.00

Plats: Webb-möte (online-möte) med uppkoppling via: Join Zoom Meeting (Länkar till en externa sida.)

Opponenter: (max 3 st), kontakta respondenter för opponering och rapport.

Examinator: Anders Sjögren, handledare Fredrik Kilander

Språk: Muntligt på svenska (vid behov på engelska, frågor kan ställas på svenska eller engelska).

Anmälan: Anmälan för lyssnarnärvaro behövs ej för besökare.  "Aktiva lyssnare" anmäler sig till senast en dag i förväg.


There are many possible tools to develop mobile applications with. Choosing a development tool is done by considering many different factors, and the choice is currently done, in many cases, arbitrarily. For this project, a decision model is designed to ease the process of choosing a development tool.

A survey was conducted to examine how people using different smartphone platforms discover and download applications. 94 responses were collected, showing that approximately 50% of Android-users found mobile applications by using search engines or browsers. The corresponding number was approximately 30% for iOS-users.

A usability test was conducted to discover the differences in user experience between Progressive Web Applications and native applications. 18 usability tests were conducted comparing the same product developed as a Progressive Web Application and a native application. Both Android and iOS devices were included in the tests.

The results indicated that end-users notice when an application is not natively developed. The effect on the user experience is combined with other technical differences and applied to the decision model. This model was designed to predict if a native application, a Progressive Web Application or a React Native application
is the most favourable to develop for a specific scenario.

The final model could, according to consultants at the stakeholder Slagkryssaren AB, with good accuracy predict when the different development tools should be used. The model could be used as a discussion tool in the first stages of the development process of an application.


Progressive Web Application, User experience, Native application, Hybrid application, Usability testing, React  Native, Decision model, Weighted Sum Model, Multi-Criteria Decision-Method