Presentation av examensarbete Högskoleingenjör
Titel: Electronic Medical Record System
Respondent: Jemal Ramadan and Niklas Södermark
Opponent: Michael Kesy, Shinjilt Khered
Språk: Engelska/Svenska
Tid: Tisdag 5 november 2013 kl 10:00
Plats: Sal 532 Forum, Kista


Sofiaängen ( is a psychotherapeutic day activities center and school located in Södermalm in Stockholm. Sofiaängen targets young people between the age of 14 and 20 and who have psychological and social problems.
The current system used by Sofiaängen for handling patient medical records is a Microsoft word file-system on a mac server, which is not efficient and flexible.
The objective of this bachelor thesis has been therefore to find the best way of implementing an EMRS and then design, develop and deploy the selected solution.
The work was divided into four different phases. The first phase was conducting feasibility study where possible implementations (standalone and web based) were studied and the result was submitted to Sofiaängen so they can make a selection. The second third and fourth phases were respectively designing, implementing (and testing) and deploying (and writing user manual) the selected solution.
The selected solution was to implement the system as standalone application. The system was implemented using JavaFX platform and MySQL database server and we used an iterative software process model in order to implement the functional requirements incrementally and be able to evaluate our work early, before the next set of requirements are implemented, by getting feedback on the development from Sofiaängen.
The Degree project has resulted in an EMRS which fulfills all of the functionalities and look-and-feel of the GUI required by Sofiaängen.
Keywords: EMRS, JavaFX, journalsystem