Presentation av examensarbete Kandidat
Titel: Identifying benefits and risks with Offshore outsourcing of IT 
Respondent: Rehnuma Hashem 
Språk: Svenska
Tid: Måndag, 2012-04-16 kl 13-14
Plats: Scania Infomate, Södertälje, Nyköpingsvägen 41
Inresserade åhörare som inte tillhör Scania kontaktar Anders Sjögren 087904420 för anmälan, senast 16/4 kl 0900. 


Offshore outsourcing has become a trend and offers an attractive benefit in terms of lower labor costs.  This allows moving jobs to low-cost locations. Offshore outsourcing may benefit many companies but one must bear in mind that along with the benefits come risks that a company, before entering the offshore business, needs to be aware of.

The purpose of this thesis is to give an overall picture of benefits and risks with offshore outsourcing of IT activities for Scania Infomate. It will also investigate how offshore outsourcing can be viewed from different aspects such as, cultural distance, geographic distance and language distance.

As a result, a SWOT- analysis will be presented containing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risk that Scania Infomate may take into consideration when offshore outsourcing