Presentation av examensarbete Kandidat
Titel:Tools for Strategy Development Suitable for Startups with Focus on Online Platforms. Case Study of the ICT4MPOWER Group
Respondent:  Claudio Donoso Torres
Språk: Svenska/engelska
Tid: Torsdag, 2012-05-31 kl 09:00
Plats: Forum, sal 431

Business, organizational and information systems strategies are part of the process of turning an idea into an operating organism. This process can be easy or complicated depending on many factors; however its importance cannot be underestimated. This thesis presents a case study performed in order to show how to develop strategies using easy-to-use models and methods collected from literature researches. The result is a basic guide, for the ones that are thinking about developing their strategies, using the case as example.

Keywords: Mission, Vision, Customer Relationship Management, e-business