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Version skapad av Kristina Edström 2022-08-31 15:18

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2022-10-20 Marie Paretti

Note: This seminar takes place on Thursday 20 October, 9.00-10.30 in Studio C. Please register with Kristina Edström for Fika.

Marie Paretti

Moving from School to Work: Understanding the Challenges of New Graduates and the Opportunities for Educators

Drawing on data from over a hundred U.S. graduates from four universities, we explore the challenges these graduates faced as they move from school into engineering work. Based on periodic interviews with new engineers during their first year of work, our research team identified a range of challenges related to teamwork, communication, self-directed learning, and identity development. 

This seminar focuses in particular on the challenges that new engineers experience in communication activities. While engineering students practice communication within their education, the complexity and situated nature of communication in the workplace cannot be fully replicated in the classroom. We will consider what the findings mean in an international context to identify potential influences of varying educational structures, and explore the implications for us as educators and researchers.

Ford, J. D., Paretti, M., Kotys-Schwartz, D., Howe, S., & Ott, R. (2021). New engineers’ transfer of communication activities from school to workIEEE Transactions on Professional Communication64(2), 105-120.