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2022-09-09 Helena Fornstedt

Innovation Resistance: Moving Beyond Dominant Framings

This innovation will kill us

Innovation is often viewed in a pro-innovation, pro-firm, manner. Connected to this perception of innovation is a view of human and non-human resistance as a temporary unwanted response that will eventually be overcome. This study challenges these assumptions and explores the manifestation of innovation resistance and the dynamics involved in its entanglement with innovation processes.

Helena Fornstedt

Helena Fornstedt defended her doctoral thesis Innovation Resistance - Moving Beyond Dominant Framingsat Uppsala University 2021, and is now a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management.

My research concerns innovation and product development processes in mature environments and markets. Under such market conditions technological innovations are not automatically perceived as positive and different strategies are needed in order for an invention to reach the market. My focus is the health care sector and the market around the electrical grid. I addition to this I am interested in critical cross cultural management.

To read:

Fornstedt H, 2021, Innovation Resistance - Moving Beyond Dominant Framings
[Summary // Full Thesis]

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