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Här visas ändringar i "2021-09-03 - Kristina Edström - Reviewing manuscripts for journals" mellan 2021-05-24 11:04 av Kristina Edström och 2021-08-30 13:37 av Kristina Edström.

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2021-09-03 - Reviewing manuscripts for journals

program will appear hereWe will consider best practices and jointly generate practical advice for reviewing manuscripts for journals in the fields relevant for this department.¶

We have among us several experienced reviewers who can share their wisdom, as well as those who are interested in taking on review assignments for the first time. ¶

We will discuss and generate practical advice regarding the following topics:¶

* how reviewers can support editors in making fair decisions, and support authors in improving their manuscripts
* ethical considerations for reviewing
* how to spend your own time wisely when making reviews
PREPARATIONPlease answer a few questions about reviewing. If you answer by Thursday lunch there is time to collate the answers before the seminar. It is completely anonymous.¶
