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Version skapad av Håkan Hjalmarsson 2020-05-07 08:40

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Preliminary schedule

  1. Introduction (Friday 15/5, 15-17)  
    • The basic problem
    • Some examples
    • Model selection using ranking
    • Some pitfalls
  2. Probabilistic models (Tuesday 19/5, 10-12) 
    • Models and model structures
    • Estimators
    • A probabilistic toolshed
  3. Estimation theory and Wold decomposition (Tuesday 26/5, 10-12) 
    • Estimation theory
      • Information contents in random variables
      • Estimation of random variables
    • Wold decomposition
  4. Unbiased parameter estimation (Friday 29/5, 15-17) 
    • The Cramér-Rao lower bound
    • Efficient estimators
    • The maximum likelihood estimator
    • Data compression
    • Uniform minimum variance unbiased estimators
    • Best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE)
    • Using estimation for parameter estimation
  5. Biased parameter estimation (Tuesday 2/6, 10-12) 
    • The bias-variance trade-off
    • The Cramér-Rao lower bound
    • Average risk minimization
    • Minimax estimation
    • Pointwise risk minimization
  6. Asymptotic theory (Friday 5/6, 15-17) 
    • Limits of random variables
    • Large sample properties of estimators
    • Using estimation for parameter estimation, part II
    • Large sample properties of biased estimators
  7. Computational aspects (Tuesday 9/6, 08-10) 
    • Gradient based optimization
    • Convex relaxations
    • Integration by Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods
  8. Case studies I (Friday 12/6, 10-12) 
    • Parametric LTI models
    • Impulse response models
  9. Case studies II (Tuesday 16/6, 10-12) 
    • Uncertain input models
    • Nonlinear stochastic state-space models
  10. Model accuracy (Friday 19/6, 15-17) 
  11. Model structure selection and model validation  (Tuesday 23/6, 10-12) 
  12. Experiment design (Tuesday 25/8, 10-12) 
  13. Continuous time identification (Friday 28/8, 15-17)